Source code for chaste_codegen._load_template

# Methods to configure jinja2 and load templates.
import logging
import os
import posixpath

import jinja2

import chaste_codegen as cg

# Shared Jinja environment
_environment = None

def _jinja_environment():
    Returns a shared Jinja environment to create templates from.
    global _environment
    if _environment is None:
        _environment = jinja2.Environment(
            # Automatic loading of templates stored in the module
            # This also enables template inheritance
            loader=jinja2.PackageLoader('chaste_codegen', cg.TEMPLATE_SUBDIR),

            # Keep a single trailing newline, if present

            # Don't replace undefined template variables by an empty string
            # but raise a jinja2.UndefinedError instead.
    return _environment

[docs]def load_template(*name): """ Loads a template from the local template directory. Templates can be specified as a single filename, e.g. ``load_template('temp.txt')``, or loaded from subdirectories using e.g. ``load_template('subdir_1', 'subdir_2', 'file.txt')``. """ # Due to a Jinja2 convention, posixpaths must be used, regardless of the # user's operating system! path = posixpath.join(*name) if os.path.sep != '/' and os.path.sep in path: # pragma: no linux cover log = logging.getLogger() log.warning('Paths to templates must be specified as posix paths.') env = _jinja_environment() return env.get_template(path)