Source code for chaste_codegen.rush_larsen_c

from cellmlmanip.model import Variable
from cellmlmanip.units import UnitStore
from sympy import (

import chaste_codegen as cg
from chaste_codegen._math_functions import exp_
from chaste_codegen.model_with_conversions import (
from chaste_codegen.rush_larsen_model import RushLarsenModel

def component_name(var):
    """Get the name of the component variable var is in"""
    name = str(var)
    return name[:name.find('$')]

def get_variable_name(s, interface=False):
    """Get the correct variable name based on the variable and whether it should be in the chaste_interface."""
    s_name = s.expr if isinstance(s, Derivative) else s
    s_name = str(s_name)
    s_name = s_name[s_name.find('$') + 1:]

    if isinstance(s, Derivative):
        return 'd_dt_' + s_name
        return s_name

[docs]class RushLarsenC(RushLarsenModel): """ Holds template and information specific for the RushLarsen model type""" DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = ('.h', '.c') def __init__(self, model, file_name, **kwargs): self._i_inj_params = set() # add i_inj V = _get_membrane_voltage_var(model, convert=False) i_stim = _get_membrane_stimulus_current(model) if i_stim: # add units units = UnitStore(model.units) picoF = units.add_unit('picoF', 'farad / 1e12') one_over_mv = units.add_unit('one_over_millivolt', '1 / (volt * 1e-3)') one_over_ohm = units.add_unit('one_over_ohm', '1 / ohm') millivolt = units.add_unit('millivolt', 'volt / 1e3') # add variables Scaling = model.add_variable('Scaling', units='dimensionless') Cext = model.add_variable('Cext', units=picoF) Ampl_gain = model.add_variable('Ampl_gain', units='dimensionless') R_seal = model.add_variable('R_seal', units='ohm') g_leak = model.add_variable('g_leak', units=one_over_ohm) leak_comp_perc = model.add_variable('leak_comp_perc', units='dimensionless') E_l = model.add_variable('E_l', units=millivolt) A0_bck = model.add_variable('A0_bck', units='dimensionless') k_bck = model.add_variable('k_bck', units=one_over_mv) Scale_bck = model.add_variable('Scale_bck', units='dimensionless') i_leak_comp = model.add_variable('i_leak_comp', units='dimensionless') i_bck = model.add_variable('i_bck', units='dimensionless') I_ext = model.add_variable('I_ext', units='dimensionless') I_curr = model.add_variable('I', units='dimensionless') i_inj = model.add_variable('i_inj', units='dimensionless') self._i_inj_params = {A0_bck, Ampl_gain, Cext, E_l, I_curr, R_seal, Scale_bck, Scaling, k_bck, leak_comp_perc} # add defining numbers model.add_equation(Eq(Scaling, Float(1.0))) model.add_equation(Eq(A0_bck, Float(1.0278))) model.add_equation(Eq(k_bck, Float(0.0986))) model.add_equation(Eq(R_seal, Float(1.0))) model.add_equation(Eq(Cext, Float(1.0))) model.add_equation(Eq(leak_comp_perc, Float(1.0))) model.add_equation(Eq(E_l, Float(1.0))) model.add_equation(Eq(I_curr, Float(1.0))) model.add_equation(Eq(Ampl_gain, Float(1.0))) model.add_equation(Eq(Scale_bck, Float(1.0))) # add eqs model.add_equation(Eq(g_leak, 1 / R_seal)) model.add_equation(Eq(i_leak_comp, (g_leak / Cext) * (V - E_l) * (leak_comp_perc / 100))) model.add_equation(Eq(i_bck, (Scale_bck / Cext) * A0_bck / (1 + exp_(-k_bck * V)))) model.add_equation(Eq(I_ext, I_curr / (Cext * Ampl_gain))) model.add_equation(Eq(i_inj, Scaling * (I_ext - i_leak_comp - i_bck))) dvdt = next((eq for eq in model.equations if eq.lhs == Derivative(V, model.get_free_variable())), None) assert dvdt is not None, "Expecting exatctly 1 dvdt equation" model.remove_equation(dvdt) model.add_equation(Eq(dvdt.lhs, dvdt.rhs.replace(i_stim, i_stim + i_inj))) # find dv/dt # add conversions add_conversions(model, use_modifiers=False, skip_chaste_stimulus_conversion=True) model.modifiable_parameters |= set(self._i_inj_params) # For equations containing a piecewise not at the top level, pull it out into it's own equation for eq in tuple(model.equations): # Piecewises cannot be inline, so attach each to a new variable if eq.has(Piecewise): if eq.rhs.has(Piecewise) and (not isinstance(eq.rhs, Piecewise) or len(eq.rhs.atoms(Piecewise)) > 1): new_rhs = eq.rhs # sort the piecewsies to guarantee consistent output across re-runs for i, pw in enumerate(sorted(eq.rhs.atoms(Piecewise), key=str)): new_pw_lhs = model.add_variable( + '_PW_' + str(i), eq.lhs.units) model.add_equation(Eq(new_pw_lhs, pw)) new_rhs = new_rhs.replace(pw, new_pw_lhs) model.remove_equation(eq) model.add_equation(Eq(eq.lhs, new_rhs)) super().__init__(model, file_name, **kwargs) self._templates = ['labview.h', 'labview.c'] self._vars_for_template['model_type'] = 'RushLarsenC' # store info for .c/.h self._vars_for_template['stat_var_name_max_length'] = \ max([len(sv['var']) for sv in self._formatted_state_vars]) self._vars_for_template['unit_name_max_length'] = \ max([len(sv['units']) for sv in self._formatted_state_vars]) self._vars_for_template['components'] = \ tuple([component_name(sv['sympy_var']) for sv in self._formatted_state_vars]) self._vars_for_template['component_name_max_length'] = \ max([len(sv) for sv in self._vars_for_template['components']]) def _add_printers(self, lookup_table_function=lambda e: None): """ Initialises Printers for outputting chaste code. """ # Printer for printing chaste regular variable assignments (var_ prefix) # Print variables in interface as var_chaste_interface # (state variables, time, lhs of default_stimulus eqs, i_ionic and lhs of y_derivatives) # Print modifiable parameters as mParameters[index] self._printer = \ cg.ChastePrinter(lambda variable: get_variable_name(variable, variable in self._in_interface) if variable not in self._model.modifiable_parameters else self._print_modifiable_parameters(variable), lambda deriv: get_variable_name(deriv), lookup_table_function) # Printer for printing variable in comments e.g. for ode system information self._name_printer = cg.ChastePrinter(lambda variable: get_variable_name(variable)) def _print_sv_ind(self, v): var_name = "Y[%s]" % self._state_vars.index(list(v.free_symbols)[0]) if isinstance(v, Derivative): var_name = "d" + var_name return Variable(var_name, units='dimensionless') def _print_rhs_with_modifiers(self, modifier, eq, modifiers_with_defining_eqs=set()): """ Print modifiable parameters in the correct format for the model type""" # replace state vars by Y vector derived by dY vector, tome by last Y subs_dict = {v: self._print_sv_ind(v) for v in self._model.find_variables_and_derivatives([eq]) if list(v.free_symbols)[0] in self._state_vars} subs_dict[self._model.get_free_variable()] = Variable("Y[%s]" % len(self._state_vars), units='dimensionless') return self._printer.doprint(eq.xreplace(subs_dict)) def _print_modifiable_parameters(self, variable): """ Print modifiable parameters in the correct format for the model type""" # labview export does not use modifiable parameters, instead these are sorted on top of the ocntstants block return get_variable_name(variable) def _format_modifiable_parameters(self): """ Format the modifiable parameter for printing to chaste code""" # sort i_inj consts on top of the parameters so they end up on top of the consts block self._modifiable_parameters = sorted(self._modifiable_parameters, key=lambda p: p not in self._i_inj_params) # Add component information formatted_params = super()._format_modifiable_parameters() for fp, p in zip(formatted_params, self._modifiable_parameters): fp['component'] = component_name(p) return formatted_params
[docs] def format_derivative_equation(self, eq, modifiers_with_defining_eqs): """ Format an individual derivative equation specified so that other model types can specify more detailed printing """ # Add component name, whether this is a constant, a state var or a piecewise formatted_eq = super().format_derivative_equation(eq, modifiers_with_defining_eqs) formatted_eq['is_constant'] = isinstance(eq.rhs, Float) formatted_eq['component'] = component_name(eq.lhs) formatted_eq['lhs_is_sv'] = \ isinstance(formatted_eq['sympy_lhs'], Derivative) or formatted_eq['sympy_lhs'] in self._model.state_vars if formatted_eq['lhs_is_sv']: formatted_eq['lhs'] = self._print_sv_ind(formatted_eq['sympy_lhs']) formatted_eq['is_piecewise'] = isinstance(eq.rhs, Piecewise) if formatted_eq['is_piecewise']: formatted_eq['pw_expr_conds'] = [(self._print_rhs_with_modifiers(eq.lhs, a[0]), self._print_rhs_with_modifiers(eq.lhs, a[1])) for a in eq.rhs.args] return formatted_eq