.. Root of all chaste_codegen docs .. _GitHub: https://github.com/ModellingWebLab/chaste-codegen Welcome to the chaste_codegen documentation =========================================== chaste_codegen is hosted on GitHub_, where you can find the code and installation instructions. Updating Sympy or other python packages ================= Sympy or any other python package may need to be updated, especially as python versions evolve. To update the version: - change the version listed in setup.py, e.g. for sympy it currently lists 'sympy>=1.9, <1.11', which means that the version is at least 1.9 and is less than 1.11. - update dev-requirements/dev.txt if you want to also update your development pinned (fixed) versions - create a new branch ``git checkout -b `` - ``git add``, ``git commit`` and ``git push`` the changes - make a pull request. The tests may throw up some errors that may need fixing. The tests are in the tests folder and the reference data in data/tests. In data/tests/chaste_reference_models you'll see a few reference files ending in .cpp_python36, This is as due to sympy versions supported python 3.6 leads to an equivalent but subtly different generated model. - Mention the changes made in the release notes ``release.txt`` - To use the changes with chaste, do a new release of chaste_codegen. Updating the ontology and including it in chaste_codegen ================= - update the ontology according to the instructions in https://github.com/ModellingWebLab/ontologies - the ontology is included in chaste_codegen via a submodule, update this with ``git submodule update --remote chaste_codegen/ontologies``. - *Please note* this same way can be used to update the ``cellml`` in ``chaste_codegen/data/tests/cellml`` submodule if required. - create a new branch ``git checkout -b `` - ``git add``, ``git commit`` and ``git push`` the changes - make a pull run the tests and fix any issues that arise - update the release notes ``release.txt`` with information about the updated ontology. - To use the changes with chaste, do a new release of chaste_codegen. Doing a new chaste_codegen release ================= - Update the release version number in ``chaste_codegen/version.txt``. - Update the release notes ``release.txt`` with the latest release number. - For this version number: minor numbers will be picked up by chaste automatically, for major version numbers, ``chaste_codegen.txt`` will need updating in the chaste repository. - Follow the following tutorial to publish the package: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/ - You will need a login to pypi.org and the account you are using will need access to chaste_codegen. API documentation ================= .. automodapi:: chaste_codegen :no-inheritance-diagram: